I’m glad you’re here.
Many could recover if they had the opportunity we have enjoyed. How then shall we present that which has been so freely given us?
Alcoholics Anonymous p.19
Sobriety has given me a life that I didn’t expect to get. I’d like to use this site to pay that forward as much as I can.
If you want to drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, I am willing to make it mine.
If you are having a medical emergency, call 911 immediately. I’m not qualified to handle that. But if you have any questions or need help with sobriety, feel free to reach out at InTheProgramBlog at Gmail.
Check out the lastest articles below:
- Working Step One 100%It says in the 12 & 12 that the first Step is the only one that can be practiced with absolute perfection. While I think this statement is true, I… Read more: Working Step One 100%
- Is there such a thing as a “good” fear?There are obviously fears that large amounts of the population have, but that doesn’t necessarily imply that they are good. “Good” needs a good definition 🙂 I started with the… Read more: Is there such a thing as a “good” fear?
- Meetings arent enough, but neither are the stepsStarting my journey in AA with a lot of meetings of a lot of varieties, one of the most common phrases was “meeting makers make it.” I liked this line… Read more: Meetings arent enough, but neither are the steps
- What is Big Book Step Study?Big Book Step Study (also known as BBSS or “The Hyannis Method”) is 2 things: These concepts were created at a meeting in Hyannis, MA. Much more information can be… Read more: What is Big Book Step Study?
- Is Addiction a “Three Fold Disease?”Some people say that alcoholism is a “Three Fold Disease: Physical, Mental & Spiritual” based on the quote: We have been not only mentally and physically ill, we have been… Read more: Is Addiction a “Three Fold Disease?”
- Big Book Step Study 1.1 : The Doctor’s OpinionAt my first meeting, I heard people talk about a book. I had always been good with books, so I figured it’d be good for me to get a copy.… Read more: Big Book Step Study 1.1 : The Doctor’s Opinion
- Why Start this Blog?After a bit of sobriety, step work, growth and sponsorship, I realized that there was a lot more information that I wanted to get out than anybody would reasonably want… Read more: Why Start this Blog?