Working Step One 100%
It says in the 12 & 12 that the first Step is the only one that can be practiced with absolute perfection. While I think this statement is true, I think people make more out of this than it is to feel like they’re working on something. When presented with the facts in the first…
Is there such a thing as a “good” fear?
There are obviously fears that large amounts of the population have, but that doesn’t necessarily imply that they are good. “Good” needs a good definition 🙂 I started with the idea that a “good fear” is one that doesn’t cause harm to self or others, cause non-normative behavior, etc. But as I thought about it…
Meetings arent enough, but neither are the steps
Starting my journey in AA with a lot of meetings of a lot of varieties, one of the most common phrases was “meeting makers make it.” I liked this line a lot. I was 100% for trying to save my life and give it any measure of self-esteem. So I went to lots of meetings.…
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What is Big Book Step Study?
Big Book Step Study (also known as BBSS or “The Hyannis Method”) is 2 things: A format for going through the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous A style of meeting centered around discussing experience with going through that format These concepts were created at a meeting in Hyannis, MA. Much more information can be found…
Is Addiction a “Three Fold Disease?”
Some people say that alcoholism is a “Three Fold Disease: Physical, Mental & Spiritual” based on the quote: We have been not only mentally and physically ill, we have been spiritually sick. When the spiritual malady is overcome, we straighten out mentally and physically. Alcoholics Anonymous p.64 However, what folks in the program call the…
Big Book Step Study 1.1 : The Doctor’s Opinion
At my first meeting, I heard people talk about a book. I had always been good with books, so I figured it’d be good for me to get a copy. Not knowing that I could’ve gotten a copy for free at many meetings, I went to the bookstore and bought a copy there. I brought…
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Why Start this Blog?
After a bit of sobriety, step work, growth and sponsorship, I realized that there was a lot more information that I wanted to get out than anybody would reasonably want to sit and listen to in a share at a meeting. I spent a lot of time and effort building a body of knowledge about…